Find Your Dosha Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *Email *Weight(Kg)Height(cm)Body FrameNarrowMediumWideBody Build (Bulk)Weakly developed.Moderately developed.Well developed.Body Build (Musculature)Thin Musculature.Soft and Loosely Knitted Musculature.Smooth and Firmly knitted Musculature.Nails TextureSmoothSoftRoughNails ColourReddishPalePinkSkin AppearanceCrackedLustrousRoughMolesMarksPimplesFrecklesNoneSkin colour/ComplexionFair with reddish tingeFair with yellowish tingeDarkDuskyWheatishFair with pale tingeFair with pink tingeSkin NatureDryOilyNormalSeasonalIs your Scalp hair prone to (Nature)GrayingFallingBreakingSplit at endsBothNoneScalp Hair (Growth/Bulk)SparseLess BulkyBulkyDenseModerateBaldHow is Your appetite (Regularity)RegularIrregularHow is Your appetite (Frequency)FrequentInfrequentTaste PreferenceSweetSourSaltyBitterPungentAstringentWhat type of food/ beverages do you preferColdWarmAnyHow much quantity of food you can consume on feeling hungry?LowMediumHighVariableAre you able to digest the amount of food consumed by you?Always YesIf excess is taken causes indigestion otherwise yesAlways with difficultyCannot sayHow about your Perspiration?ProfuseModerateLessVariableHow about your sleep (amount)Less sleep(<6 hrs)Moderate sleep(6-8hrs)Heavy sleep(>8hrs)VariableHow about your bowel habits?RegularIrregularOccasionally IrregularDo you tend to haveConstipationLoose motionsNoneHow about changes in your body weightGain weight easily and loose easilyDifficulty in gaining weightGain weight easily but loose with difficultyStableDo you have body odor?StrongMildVery MildQuality of sleep?DeepModerate/soundShallowWhich weather do you preferColdWarmBoth Cold & WarmSeasonal TransitionAllNoneIn which weather do you have health problemsColdWarmBoth Cold & WarmSeasonal TransitionAllNoneHow frequently do you fall ill?FrequentlyRarelyModeratelyQuality of voiceLowFeebleWeakBrokenRoughDeepGood tonedSharpClearHigh pitchedLoudSoft, PleasingSpeed/Style of speakingSlowQuickMediumVariablyHow frequently you feel tired?On During routine workAfter doing extra work/ heavy workNot even after heavy workHow quickly you can memorize things?QuicklyModeratelySlowlyVariablyDo you like toMove around and interact with people and exploreBe seated and keep confined to own workMove around moderately and not sit for very long hoursAre you a…Regular and routine observerSpontaneous and moderate routine observerLoving to experiment with routines and change them very readilySubmit